Stainless steel frameworks and structures
By the title “stainless steel frameworks and structures” we understand stainless steel tables, troleys, lockers, shelves, doors, machine frames, conveyors, chassies, washers, etc, all made.

Stainless steel piping for food and beverage industry
Considering the specific requests in building technological pipelines from stainless steel, we have increased the level of conception and building of piping.

Stainless steel piping for pharmaceutical industry
The pharmaceutical grade piping is a very special field in the stainless steel market, considering the conditions, indication, procedures and requests backed by GMP.

Stainless steel tanks and storage vessels
Our knowlege and possibilities covers the execution of a wide range of stainless steel tank and vessels up to 20.000L, with or without agitators, insulated or not.
Since 2005 until today, what recommends us is the continuously developed experience in the complex stainless-steel work. The welding of stainless-steel is one of our strong points, and that is why we are constantly in the top of companies offering this kind of services.
Being a company built on healthy principles, we have managed to develop a win-win relationship with our clients, our main mission being the market provision with what we know best, and we intend to do so for at least a few decades from now.
The main values which our company’s operation is based on are readiness in honoring orders, openness towards the client, fact which facilitates the good deployment of any project and last, but not least, implication of all team members in all the projects, the tasks being very well-structured at all times, and the well-established deadlines being permanently complied with: Distrbutors, Cip Systems, Preparation Vessel, Storage Reservoirs, Tanks, Technological Pipe Routing, Documentation, Frames, Cases, Tables, Ladders, Valve Blocks, Collectors, Bindings, Borescopes.
Bogdan Savastru
Technical Director at Strauss Romania
Cunosc firma Profinox inca din anii 90. De-a lungul timpului am realizat impreuna multe lucrari, de la simple mese si diversi suporti, pana la sisteme de transport pentru alimentarea masinilor de ambalat, silozuri si chiar utilaje tehnologice (cum ar fi mixer pentru arome). More